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Too much stress can harm your health


We all face stress in life. Common activities such as preparing for finals or giving a speech can cause some level of stress. Stressful situation can temporarily boost your bodily functions at first, but long-term stress such as those that are mental (anxiety) and physical (fatigue) can affect both mood and physical health, causing a range of health problems, especially your immune system.

A lot of young people are stressed at work. Studies have shown that the negative effects stress can cause to our body include anxiety, fatigue, sore muscle and even health problems such as infections and chronic diseases.

Five harmful effects of stress

1. Imbalance immune system- gets sick easily, higher risk of infection

A balanced immune system protects you against health threat and diseases. However, long-term stress can cause high levels of cortisol, which can inhibit the function of immune system, causing the body to lose ability in defending you against pathogens, increasing the risk of infections, as well as worsen allergic reactions. Such an imbalance in the immune system can weaken your body’s defense against diseases.

2. Obesity

Stress can cause the body to release high levels of cortisol, in which causes the body to release glucose into the bloodstream in order to supply quick energy. This can increase sugar cravings, causing you to overeat and gain weight. Studies have also found that high levels of cortisol can decrease your metabolism, which makes you difficult to lose weight and increase insulin levels, making you store fat more easily.

3. Mental disorders

Long-term stress can affect your sleep as well as making you lose memory and focus. Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are found to be closely-related to mental stress. Scientists found that high levels of cortisol can affect the brain’s functioning in terms of memory and emotion regulation. Long-term stress can reduce nerve cells and change the brain’s response to stress, increasing the risk of developing mental disorders.

4. Gut problems

A balanced gut microbiota with higher amount of beneficial bacteria can ensure proper functioning of the digestive system. However, studies shown that stress can cause an imbalance in the gut microbiota, which can lead to gut problems such as constipation, bloating and indigestion, as well as increasing the risk of infections.

5. Cardiovascular diseases

Studies suggest that high levels of cortisol from long-terms stress can increase blood cholesterol, blood sugar levels and blood pressure and promote atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

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