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What Is The Best Supplements For Gut Health


When it comes to a person's general state of health, it's the state of someone's heart, lungs or liver that usually comes to mind. However, there is another part of your body that significantly contributes to your overall health and wellness - our gut.

In fact, various studies in the past decades have proven the link between a person's gut health and their immune system. This is much in contrast to what was once thought as a mere digestive system that simply comprises of a long tube to pass our food along to be absorbed and excreted.

Today, you'll often hear the term “gut microbiome" used to describe the beneficial bacteria and various microorganisms living within your digestive system. It's now a known fact that a healthy person would have 300 to 500 different types of bacteria in their digestive tract at any one time, though most of them are beneficial and even necessary to have a healthy body!

That's why it's important to maintain and protect the health of your digestive system by having a healthy variety of good bacteria within your gut. This not only enhances your immune system, it helps to lift your overall health, fight against obesity and much more.

What are the symptoms of an unhealthy gut?

Apart from various physiological factors, there are often psychological matters that start affecting your gut health as well. Factors such as excessively high stress levels, lack of sleep, or even taking a wrong dosage of antibiotics could damage our gut microbiome.

From there, you can often spot the different ways that an unhealthy gut might show itself. Here are some common symptoms of an unhealthy gut:

1. You have an upset stomach

If you have a noticeable discomfort with your stomach in the likes of gas, bloating or constipation, chances are your gut is in an unhealthy state. A happy, healthy and balanced gut will little difficulty in ensuring your digestive parts feel comfortable when processing food and eliminating waste.

2. You're experiencing unexpected weight change

A sudden change of weight (either losing or gaining) without any reasonable explanation of dieting or exercising can be a sign of an unhealthy gut.

This is because the weight change is often due to your body's impaired ability to absorb nutrients or store fat.

3. You have trouble sleeping or are in constant lethargy

Another sign of an unhealthy gut is difficulty sleeping, insomnia or chronic fatigue even after a period of rest. The reason? Serotonin, a hormone that affects your sleeping mechanism, is produced in the gut!

That's why an unhealthy gut can often bring about sleep disturbances and difficulty in getting your body rested and energised.

Ways to improve your body's gut health

1. Try and ease up your stress levels

While there might be plenty of things to be worried about, you can always try managing your stress level to get your gut health back up to normal.

This can include activities such as taking time to walk off pressure, spending time with family or even meditation with the help of essential oils!

2. Make time for relaxation and sleep

Apart from making significant improvements with your gut health, good quality and a healthy quantity of sleep can positively impact many areas of your health in general!

Try capping off a minimum of 7 hours of sleep every night to ensure your body gets its rest after a long day of work and pressure.

3. Try boosting your gut health with nutrition and supplements

While there are plenty of other ways you can boost your gut health, one of the best ways you can supercharge your gut microbiome is with Stolle's ImmNuPlus, one of the best supplements for gut health out there in the market.

ImmNuPlus gives you a hard-to-find complex bioactive factors that are clinically proven to improve your gut health for a stronger immune system.

Some of the reasons why Stolle is the best booster for your immune system include:

  • Over 60 years of research have resulted in more than 20 published scientific studies, 200 awarded patents and international quality awards

  • Patented bioactive factors such as specific IgG, secretory IgA, lactoferrin and anti-inflammatory factors directly support the immune system by balancing immune responses

  • Our exclusive milk protein concentrate ingredient enhances the immune effects 1.5 times

  • Multiple health care functions to meet nutritional needs of every life stage while also meeting the health needs of the entire family

  • Manufactured by the largest dairy company in New Zealand, assuring the highest product quality

  • Cows are fed year-round on all-natural New Zealand pastures that are scientifically managed, thereby ensuring the highest nutritional value

If you're looking to boost your gut health, give Stolle ImmNuPlus a try

With Stolle ImmNuPlus, you can ensure your gut health is always at their fighting fit to keep illnesses at bay. Try it now - download our brochure

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